

For extra credit, select one reference source in the textbook from Chapter 15 on the “Endnotes” pages at the end of the chapter and write a concise response to the article.

– Include the NUMBER of the source in the list (ie: #1, #55, etc) in the title of your post. Please try not to duplicate sources – check to see if another student has already used the article you wanted. Do not duplicate that article choice, find another one.

– Sign your name. And choose your section in the “categories” when you write your post.

– The style can be of your choosing but do report on the article’s main ideas and give yours as well. But in order to receive full credit, you must treat this as you would a 1 to 2 page essay. One well-written, thought out paragraph will earn 1 point, etc.

– Due NO LATER than Dec 9th for Monday sections and Dec 11th for Wednesday sections. Early submissions will obviously have more options and choices, so try to get it done sooner if you can.


War of the Worlds on the Radio

Listen to at least the first 25 mintutes of War of the Worlds RadioLab show

Give a blog response (you can get creative here – title, format, etc.)  to the event that happened in 1938, thinking about the following questions:
(Monday Sections: Due Saturday, Nov. 2nd, 12am midnight, Wednesday Sections: Due Monday, Nov. 4th, 12am midnight)

-What historical factors made this hoax believable?

-How did the actors prepare?

-Do you think this kind of media hoax could happen today? If so, what format would you suppose it might take? What story could be believable? If you were creating this hoax, what would it be?

-Does learning the details of the War of the Worlds hoax make you feel differently about factual news reports? Why?

-Do you think the RadioLab show did a good job in presenting this story? What tools did they use? What sounds are used on the show other than voice?

NOTE: Use the correct category for your section, and sign your name.



Blog Post #2 assignment: draw terms – get a partner – find an image (or make one! draw one – photograph one) that illustrates your key term from the list provided – on the class blog – under Key Concepts as: Picture This! Blog Post #2 KEY TERMS.

You have to do three things:

  1. By Sunday, October 13th, midnight, provide an image for your partner on the blog in a blog post under the category for your section that illustrates the key word or phrase you drew in class.
  2. By Monday, October 14th, midnight, decide which word or phrase your partner is trying to illustrating for you in the comment section below the post. Provide reasons why you think you’ve guessed correctly, completely defining the term. If you defend your answer well enough, you will not be incorrect!
  3. By Tuesday, October 15th, midnight, let your partner know if they are correct in the comment section.

NOTE: Use the correct category for your section, and sign your name.


Blog Post #1 DUE:
Sunday, September 22nd, midnight – Monday Discussion Sections 37 & 40
Tuesday, September 24th, midnight – Wednesday Discussion Sections 39 & 36.

My Block – A Cultural Analysis

  1. Walk completely around a full city block where you live. Then write down all that you can remember in as much detail as you can. Who did you see? What were they doing? Time of day? Describe the lighting, buildings, ads, etc.  What stood out and why? Did you see people you know? What were people doing?
  2. Create a short blog post with your own interesting title, about your block from a cultural perspective.  Include one or two pictures and reference them in your post.
  3. Look over your notes from lectures, textbook, etc. and find a way to use at least two concepts we’ve been studying in the body of your post.
  4. Include at least one reference to some form of media you notice on your walk, and in a sentence or two talk about the role they play as you see it.
  5. Make this fun and insightful for your readers. You are creating a cultural portrait of your hood. You can include your own personal commentary and thoughts as well. This does not have to be a strictly journalistic piece; this is a blog after all! You can even choose a poetic form.
  6. IMPORTANT NOTES: Use the category of YOUR section number category. ALSO, please sign your name to your post.

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